For many years now, we’ve been sharing useful resources and media stories related to our research projects. As a leading Science Laboratory in the San Francisco area, it’s important for us to engage with the community and keep them informed about the incredible work and developments they’re helping to support.

For many years now, we’ve been sharing useful resources and media stories related to our research projects. As a leading Science Laboratory in the San Francisco area, it’s important for us to engage with the community and keep them informed about the incredible work and developments they’re helping to support.

Book chapters
Herrmann B, Butler BE (2021) Aging Auditory Cortex: The Impact of Reduced Inhibition on Function. PDF
In Martin CR, Preedy VR, Rajendram R (Eds). Assessments, Treatments and Modelling in Aging and Neurological Disease: The Neuroscience of Aging. (pp. 183-192). Academic Press.
Panela RA, Barnett AJ, Barense MD, Herrmann B (2025) arXiv.
Event segmentation applications in large language model enabled automated recall assessments.
Language-agnostic, automated assessment of listeners' speech recall using large language models.
Age-related differences in the impact of background noise on neural speech tracking.
Mathiesen SL, Grenier A, Wittich W, Sukhai M, Herrmann B (2024) SocArXiv.
Narrative engagement in story listening: The challenge of age and vision loss.
Minimal background noise enhances neural speech tracking: Evidence of stochastic resonance.
Biba TM, Decker A, Herrmann B, Fukuda K, Katz C, Valiante TA, Duncan K (2024) PsyArXiv.
Memory’s pulse: episodic memory formation is theta-rhythmic.
Publications in peer-reviewed journals
2025, in press
Pandey PR, Herrmann B (in press) Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research.
The influence of semantic context on the intelligibility benefit from speech glimpses in younger and older adults.
Herrmann B, Cui ME (2025) Audiology Research 15:14.
Impaired prosodic processing but not hearing function is associated with reduced recognition of AI speech in older adults.
Widmann A, Herrmann B, Scharf F (2025) Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 413:110299. PDF
Herrmann B (2025) Speech, Language and Hearing 28:2374160. PDF
Leveraging Natural Language Processing models to automate speech-intelligibility scoring.
​Mathiesen SL, Van Hedger SC, Irsik VC, Bain MM, Johnsrude IS, Herrmann B (2024) Psychology International 6:667-684.
Exploring age differences in absorption and enjoyment during story listening.
Kraus F, Ross B, Herrmann B, Obleser J (2024) The Journal of Neuroscience 44:e0589242024.
Neurophysiology of effortful listening: Decoupling motivational modulation from task demands. (download data)
Herrmann B, Ryan JD (2024) Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 36:1325-1340. PDF
Pupil size and eye movements differently index effort in both younger and older adults.
Motala A, Johnsrude IS, Herrmann B (2024) Trends in Hearing 28:1-18.
A longitudinal framework to describe the relation between age-related hearing loss and social isolation.
Bobbitt SG, Herrmann B, Butler BE (2024) International Journal of Listening 38:16-27. PDF
A survey of narrative listening behaviors in 8-13-year-old children.
Panela RA, Copelli F, Herrmann B (2024) Neurobiology of Aging 134:165-180. PDF
Reliability and generalizability of neural speech tracking in younger and older adults.
Kraus F, Obleser J, Herrmann B (2023) eNeuro 10:1-12.
Pupil-size sensitivity to listening demand depends on motivational state.
Herrmann B (2023) Auditory Perception & Cognition 6:330-352. PDF
Neural responses to repeated noise structure in sounds are invariant to temporal interruptions.
Cui ME, Herrmann B (2023) The Journal of Neuroscience 43:5856-5869.
Eye movements decrease during effortful speech listening. (download data)
Herrmann B (2023) International Journal of Speech Technology 26:395-415. PDF
The perception of artificial-intelligence (AI) based synthesized speech in younger and older adults. (download data)
Kraus F, Tune S, Obleser J, Herrmann B (2023) The Journal of Neuroscience 43:4352-4364.
Neural alpha oscillations and pupil size differentially index cognitive demand under competing audio-visual task conditions.
Yasmin S, Irsik VC, Johnsrude IS, Herrmann B (2023) Neuropsychologia 186:108584. PDF
The effects of speech masking on neural tracking of acoustic and semantic features of natural speech.
Herrmann B, Maess B, Johnsrude IS (2023) Hearing Research 428:108677. PDF
Sustained responses and neural synchronization to amplitude and frequency modulation in sound change with age.
Herrmann B, Maess B, Henry MJ, Obleser J, Johnsrude IS (2023) NeuroImage 268:119883. PDF
Neural signatures of task-related fluctuations in auditory attention and age-related changes.
Herrmann B, Maess B, Johnsrude IS (2022) Neurobiology of Aging 109:1-10. PDF
A neural signature of regularity in sound is reduced in older adults. (download data)
Irsik VC, Johnsrude IS, Herrmann B (2022) Scientific Reports 12:5898. PDF
Age-related deficits in dip-listening evident for isolated sentences but not for spoken stories. (download data)
Dauer T, Henry MJ, Herrmann B (2022) Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 48:755-770.
Auditory perceptual learning depends on temporal regularity and certainty. PDF
Irsik VC, Johnsrude IS, Herrmann B (2022) Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 34:933–950. PDF
Neural activity during story listening is synchronized across individuals despite acoustic masking.
Herrmann B, Yasmin S, Araz K, Purcell DW, Johnsrude IS (2021) Scientific Reports 11:22581.
Sound level context modulates neural activity in the human brainstem.
Herrmann B, Araz K, Johnsrude IS (2021) NeuroImage 238:118238. PDF
Sustained neural activity correlates with rapid perceptual learning of auditory patterns. (download data)
Herrmann B, Butler BE (2021) Brain Structure and Function 226:2019-2039. PDF
Hearing loss and brain plasticity: The hyperactivity phenomenon.
Irsik VC, Almanaseer A, Johnsrude IS, Herrmann B (2021) The Journal of Neuroscience 41:5045-5055. PDF
Cortical responses to the amplitude envelopes of sounds change with age. (download data)
Wieczerzak K, Patel S, MacNeil H, Scott K, Schormans A, Hayes S, Herrmann B, AllmanBL (2021) Neuroscience 455:1-18.
Prefrontal cortex plasticity and cognitive-behavioral deficits following noise-induced hearing loss.
Hayes SH, Schormans AL, Sigel G, Beh K, Herrmann B, Allman BL (2021) Progress in Neurobiology 196:101893.
Uncovering the contribution of enhanced central gain and altered cortical oscillations to phantom sound perception.
Herrmann B, Johnsrude IS (2020) Hearing Research 397:108016. PDF
A Model of Listening Engagement (MoLE).
Herrmann B, Johnsrude IS (2020) Trends in Hearing 24:1-18.
Absorption and enjoyment during listening to acoustically masked stories.