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Book chapters

Herrmann B, Butler BE (2021) Aging Auditory Cortex: The Impact of Reduced Inhibition on Function. PDF

In Martin CR, Preedy VR, Rajendram R (Eds). Assessments, Treatments and Modelling in Aging and Neurological Disease: The Neuroscience of Aging. (pp. 183-192). Academic Press.

Publications in peer-reviewed journals

2025, in press

Pandey PR, Herrmann B (in press) Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research.

The influence of semantic context on the intelligibility benefit from speech glimpses in younger and older adults.


Herrmann B, Cui ME (2025) Audiology Research 15:14.

Impaired prosodic processing but not hearing function is associated with reduced recognition of AI speech in older adults.


Widmann A, Herrmann B, Scharf F (2025) Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 413:110299. PDF

Pupillometry is sensitive to speech masking during story listening: a commentary on the critical role of modeling temporal trends.


Herrmann B (2025) Speech, Language and Hearing 28:2374160. PDF

Leveraging Natural Language Processing models to automate speech-intelligibility scoring.



​Mathiesen SL, Van Hedger SC, Irsik VC, Bain MM, Johnsrude IS, Herrmann B (2024) Psychology International 6:667-684.

Exploring age differences in absorption and enjoyment during story listening.


Kraus F, Ross B, Herrmann B, Obleser J (2024) The Journal of Neuroscience 44:e0589242024.

Neurophysiology of effortful listening: Decoupling motivational modulation from task demands. (download data)


Herrmann B, Ryan JD (2024) Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 36:1325-1340. PDF

Pupil size and eye movements differently index effort in both younger and older adults.


Motala A, Johnsrude IS, Herrmann B (2024) Trends in Hearing 28:1-18.

A longitudinal framework to describe the relation between age-related hearing loss and social isolation.


Bobbitt SG, Herrmann B, Butler BE (2024) International Journal of Listening 38:16-27. PDF

A survey of narrative listening behaviors in 8-13-year-old children.


Panela RA, Copelli F, Herrmann B (2024) Neurobiology of Aging 134:165-180. PDF

Reliability and generalizability of neural speech tracking in younger and older adults.



Kraus F, Obleser J, Herrmann B (2023) eNeuro 10:1-12.

Pupil-size sensitivity to listening demand depends on motivational state.


Herrmann B (2023) Auditory Perception & Cognition 6:330-352. PDF

Neural responses to repeated noise structure in sounds are invariant to temporal interruptions.


Cui ME, Herrmann B (2023) The Journal of Neuroscience 43:5856-5869.

Eye movements decrease during effortful speech listening. (download data)


Herrmann B (2023) International Journal of Speech Technology 26:395-415. PDF

The perception of artificial-intelligence (AI) based synthesized speech in younger and older adults. (download data)


Kraus F, Tune S, Obleser J, Herrmann B (2023) The Journal of Neuroscience 43:4352-4364.

Neural alpha oscillations and pupil size differentially index cognitive demand under competing audio-visual task conditions.


Yasmin S, Irsik VC, Johnsrude IS, Herrmann B (2023) Neuropsychologia 186:108584. PDF

The effects of speech masking on neural tracking of acoustic and semantic features of natural speech.


Herrmann B, Maess B, Johnsrude IS (2023) Hearing Research 428:108677. PDF

Sustained responses and neural synchronization to amplitude and frequency modulation in sound change with age.


Herrmann B, Maess B, Henry MJ, Obleser J, Johnsrude IS (2023) NeuroImage 268:119883. PDF

Neural signatures of task-related fluctuations in auditory attention and age-related changes.



Herrmann B, Maess B, Johnsrude IS (2022) Neurobiology of Aging 109:1-10. PDF

A neural signature of regularity in sound is reduced in older adults. (download data)


Irsik VC, Johnsrude IS, Herrmann B (2022) Scientific Reports 12:5898. PDF

Age-related deficits in dip-listening evident for isolated sentences but not for spoken stories. (download data)


Dauer T, Henry MJ, Herrmann B (2022) Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 48:755-770.

Auditory perceptual learning depends on temporal regularity and certainty. PDF


Irsik VC, Johnsrude IS, Herrmann B (2022) Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 34:933–950. PDF

Neural activity during story listening is synchronized across individuals despite acoustic masking.



Herrmann B, Yasmin S, Araz K, Purcell DW, Johnsrude IS (2021) Scientific Reports 11:22581.

Sound level context modulates neural activity in the human brainstem.


Herrmann B, Araz K, Johnsrude IS (2021) NeuroImage 238:118238. PDF

Sustained neural activity correlates with rapid perceptual learning of auditory patterns. (download data)


Herrmann B, Butler BE (2021) Brain Structure and Function 226:2019-2039. PDF

Hearing loss and brain plasticity: The hyperactivity phenomenon.


Irsik VC, Almanaseer A, Johnsrude IS, Herrmann B (2021) The Journal of Neuroscience 41:5045-5055. PDF

Cortical responses to the amplitude envelopes of sounds change with age. (download data)


Wieczerzak K, Patel S, MacNeil H, Scott K, Schormans A, Hayes S, Herrmann B, AllmanBL (2021) Neuroscience 455:1-18.

Prefrontal cortex plasticity and cognitive-behavioral deficits following noise-induced hearing loss.


Hayes SH, Schormans AL, Sigel G, Beh K, Herrmann B, Allman BL (2021) Progress in Neurobiology 196:101893.

Uncovering the contribution of enhanced central gain and altered cortical oscillations to phantom sound perception.



Herrmann B, Johnsrude IS (2020) Hearing Research 397:108016. PDF

A Model of Listening Engagement (MoLE).


Herrmann B, Johnsrude IS (2020) Trends in Hearing 24:1-18.

Absorption and enjoyment during listening to acoustically masked stories.


Herrmann B, Augereau T, Johnsrude IS (2020) Scientific Reports 10:9571.

Neural responses and perceptual sensitivity to sound depend on sound-level statistics.


Kadem M, Herrmann B, Rodd JM, Johnsrude IS (2020) Trends in Hearing 24:1-16. PDF

Pupil dilation is sensitive to semantic ambiguity and acoustic degradation. (download data)


Yasmin S, Purcell DW, Veeranna SA, Johnsrude IS, Herrmann B (2020) Hearing Research 398:108080.

A novel approach to investigate subcortical and cortical sensitivity to temporal structure simultaneously.


Farahani M, Parsa V, Herrmann B, Kadem M, Johnsrude IS, Doyle P (2020). Applied Sciences 10:5907.

An auditory-perceptual and pupillometric study of vocal strain in adductor spasmodic dysphonia.


Al Jaja A, Grahn JA, Herrmann B, MacDonald PA (2020) Neurobiology of Aging 89:71-82.
The effect of aging, Parkinson’s disease, and exogenous dopamine on the neural response associated with auditory regularity processing.



Herrmann B, Buckland C, Johnsrude IS (2019) Neurobiology of Aging 83:73-85. PDF

Neural signatures of temporal regularity processing in sounds differ between younger and older adults.


Billig AJ, Herrmann B et al (2019) The Journal of Neuroscience 39:8679-8689.

A sound-sensitive source of alpha oscillations in human non-primary auditory cortex.


Parthasarathy A, Herrmann B, Bartlett EL (2019) Neurobiology of Aging 73:30-40. PDF
Aging alters envelope representations of speech-like sounds in the inferior colliculus.


Kwok E, Cardy JO, Allman BL, Allen P, Herrmann B (2019) Behavioural Brain Research 359:56-65.
Dynamics of spontaneous alpha activity correlate with language ability in young children.



Herrmann B, Maess B, Johnsrude IS (2018) The Journal of Neuroscience 38:1989-1999.
Aging affects adaptation to sound-level statistics in human auditory cortex.


Herrmann B, Johnsrude IS (2018) The Journal of Neuroscience 38:5466-5477.

Neural signatures of the processing of temporal patterns in sound.


Herrmann B, Johnsrude IS (2018) Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 44:89-105.
Attentional state modulates the effect of an irrelevant stimulus dimension on perception.


Wilsch A, Henry MJ, Herrmann B, Herrmann CS, Obleser J (2018) The Journal of Neuroscience 38:7428-7439.
Temporal expectation modulates cortical dynamics of sensory memory.



Herrmann B, Parthasarathy A, Bartlett EL (2017) European Journal of Neuroscience 45:299–311.
Aging affects dual encoding of periodicity and envelope shape in rat inferior colliculus neurons.


Holmes E, Herrmann B (2017) The Journal of Neuroscience 37:5218-5220.
Revisiting the contribution of auditory cortex to frequency-following responses.


Henry MJ, Herrmann B, Kunke D, & Obleser J (2017) Nature Communications 8:15801
Aging affects the balance of neural entrainment and top-down neural modulation in the listening brain.


Henry MJ, Herrmann B, Grahn JA (2017) PLoS ONE 12:e0172454.
What can we learn about beat perception by comparing brain signals and stimulus envelopes?



Herrmann B, Henry MJ, Johnsrude IS, Obleser J (2016) Neurobiology of Aging 45:10-22.
Altered temporal dynamics of neural adaptation in the aging human auditory cortex.


Herrmann B, Henry MJ, Haegens S, Obleser J (2016) NeuroImage 124:487-497.
Temporal expectations and neural amplitude fluctuations in auditory cortex interactively influence perception.


Wöstmann M, Herrmann B, Maess B, Obleser J (2016) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113:3873-3878.
The spatiotemporal dynamics of auditory attention synchronize with speech.


Henry MJ, Herrmann B, Obleser J (2016) The Journal of Neuroscience 36:860-871.
Neural microstates govern perception of auditory input without rhythmic structure.


Scharinger M, Bendixen A, Herrmann B, Henry MJ, Mildner T, Obleser J (2016) Human Brain Mapping 37:704–716.
Predictions interact with missing sensory evidence in semantic processing areas.



Herrmann B, Parthasarathy A, Han EX, Obleser J, Bartlett EL (2015) Journal of Neurophysiology 114:2941-2954.
Sensitivity of rat inferior colliculus neurons to frequency distributions.


Herrmann B, Henry MJ, Fromboluti EK, McAuley JD, Obleser J (2015) Journal of Neurophysiology 113:2582-2591.
Statistical context shapes stimulus-specific adaptation in human auditory cortex.


Henry MJ, Herrmann B, Obleser J (2015) Cerebral Cortex 25:450-459.
Selective attention to temporal features on nested time scales.


Wöstmann M, Herrmann B, Wilsch A, Obleser J (2015) The Journal of Neuroscience 35:1458-1467.
Neural alpha dynamics in younger and older listeners reflect acoustic challenges and predictive benefits.


Wilsch A, Henry MJ, Herrmann B, Maess B, Obleser J (2015) Cerebral Cortex 25:1938-1946.
Alpha oscillatory dynamics index temporal expectation benefits in working memory.


Wilsch A, Henry MJ, Herrmann B, Maess B, Obleser J (2015) Psychophysiology 52:910-918.
Slow-delta phase concentration marks improved temporal expectations based on the passage of time.



Herrmann B, Schlichting N, Obleser J (2014) The Journal of Neuroscience 34:327-331.
Dynamic range adaptation to spectral stimulus statistics in human auditory cortex.


Herrmann B, Henry MJ, Scharinger M, Obleser J (2014) NeuroImage 101:370-379.
Supplementary motor area activations predict individual differences in temporal-change sensitivity and its illusory distortions.


Henry MJ, Herrmann B, Obleser J (2014) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111:14935-14940.
Entrained neural oscillations in multiple frequency bands comodulate behavior.


Henry MJ, Herrmann B (2014) Timing & Time Perception 2:62-86.
Low-frequency neural oscillations support dynamic attending in temporal context.


Scharinger M, Herrmann B, Nierhaus T, Obleser J (2014) Frontiers in Neuroscience 8:Article 137.
Simultaneous EEG-fMRI brain signatures of auditory cue utilization.



Herrmann B, Henry MJ, Grigutsch M, Obleser J (2013) The Journal of Neuroscience 33:15799-15809.
Oscillatory phase dynamics in neural entrainment underpin illusory percepts of time.


Herrmann B, Henry MJ, Obleser J (2013) Journal of Neurophysiology 109:2086-2096.
Frequency-specific adaptation in human auditory cortex depends on the spectral variance in the acoustic stimulation.


Herrmann B, Henry MJ, Scharinger M, Obleser J (2013) Hearing Research 304:128-136.
Auditory filter width affects response magnitude but not frequency specificity in auditory cortex.


Ruhnau P, Herrmann B, Maess B, Brauer J, Friederici AD, Schröger E (2013) Frontiers in Psychology 4:Article 717.
Processing of complex distracting sounds in school-aged children and adults: Evidence from EEG and MEG data.



Herrmann B, Obleser J, Kalberlah C, Haynes J-D, Friederici AD (2012) Human Brain Mapping 33:584-595.
Dissociable neural imprints of perception and grammar in auditory functional imaging.


Herrmann B, Maess B, Kalberlah C, Haynes J-D, Friederici AD (2012) European Journal of Neuroscience 35:1488-1496.
Auditory perception and syntactic cognition: brain activity-based decoding within and across subjects.


Henry MJ, Herrmann B (2012) The Journal of Neuroscience 32:17525-17527.
A precluding role of low-frequency oscillations for auditory perception in a continuous processing mode. 


Ruhnau P, Herrmann B, Schröger E (2012) Clinical Neurophysiology 123:507-512.
Finding the right control: The mismatch negativity under investigation.


Obleser J, Herrmann B, Henry MJ (2012) Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6:Article 250.
Neural oscillations in speech: don't be enslaved by the envelope.



Herrmann B, Maess B, Hahne A, Schröger E, Friederici AD (2011) NeuroImage 57:624-633.
Syntactic and auditory spatial processing in the human temporal cortex: An MEG study.


Herrmann B, Maess B, Friederici AD (2011) Neuroscience Letters 490:116-120.
Violation of syntax and prosody - Disentangling their contributions to the early left anterior negativity (ELAN).


Ruhnau P, Herrmann B, Maess B, Schröger E (2011) NeuroImage 58:630-639.
Maturation of obligatory auditory responses and their neural sources: Evidence from EEG and MEG.



Herrmann B, Maess B, Hasting AS, Friederici AD (2009) NeuroImage 48:590-600.
Localization of the syntactic mismatch negativity in the temporal cortex: An MEG study.

©2025 by Auditory Aging

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